Diocese of Peoria ADA

Diocese of Peoria ADA

Diocese of Peoria ADA

12 Sep 2022 | Posted by: chadmin

Our Annual Diocesan Appeal is underway. NEW THIS YEAR: Pledge cards will not be distributed in our church. By the end of August, each registered household received a mailing from Bishop Tylka inviting them to participate in the mission of sharing their faith in Jesus with others. The mailing includes a newsletter, a prayer request, a personalized pledge card and a return envelope. Fill out the pledge card and a prayer request if you wish and mail it directly to the Diocese of Peoria.

Please prayerfully consider supporting various diocesan ministries with your financial gift. Our parish depends on your generosity to reach our assigned goal.

If you did not receive a mailing, we do have extras at the communication centers at each entrance, as well as in the parish office.

To learn more about the appeal and to watch appeal videos please visit cdop.org/ada




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