Pastor’s Letter: March 15, 2020

Pastor’s Letter: March 15, 2020

Pastor’s Letter: March 15, 2020

11 Mar 2020 | Posted by: chadmin

Dear friend,

We are all seeing the increase in cases of COVid-19/coronavirus in the United States. Many of the suburbs of Chicago now have reported cases. Universities are not allowing students to return from spring break, since they can’t ask where they traveled. I saw one report that MIT has told students they likely won’t return until the fall semester. All this being said, conversations continue with local leaders about schools and all places of public gathering. Decisions about our churches and schools will happen with Diocesan leadership, should there be a need. The decisions for closures are based on the reality that social distancing is the best way to limit the spread of any virus.

The best information for individual preparedness is on the Center for Disease Control website ( The CDC provides good advice on our individual approach to this outbreak. While direct consultation to their website is the best way to get the current information, they have consistently communicated certain facts: stay home if you are sick, call your doctor if you have flu-like symptoms in the coming days and weeks, if you are older with medical complications you should avoid social gatherings, wash your hands frequently and well, don’t touch your face, and don’t panic. J  Kids and younger people seem to handle the virus better than the older population. It might be good for some to distance themselves from grandkids for a bit of time. While we disbanded the sign of peace for the time being, sickness is always a reason to not attend Mass. If anything would change on our campus, we will communicate; but, it certainly would be the same thing every school and church in town would do. Please continue to pray for safety, an end to the spread of the virus, and good decisions by leaders.

The Third Sunday of Lent includes the First Scrutiny of those seeking to join the Church at Easter. The RCIA program, or Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is a long period of preparation for the Easter sacraments. Those who will be baptized and confirmed have prepared by study and prayer with great anticipation. This is a time of joy and spiritual healing. I personally love this process each year. The liturgy of the Church reminds us that God desires to give His spiritual healing, love and forgiveness to all humanity. The reception of the Easter sacraments by new Catholics allows us all to witness this process in the hearts of our brothers and sisters. This First Scrutiny this weekend coincides with the Gospel passage about the Woman at the Well. Essentially she begins to thirst for what God alone can provide. As we see others thirst for God, may we each thirst for the love and healing of God this Lent and Easter.

God bless,

Father David