Pastor’s Letter, August 18, 2019

Pastor’s Letter, August 18, 2019

Pastor’s Letter, August 18, 2019

16 Aug 2019 | Posted by: chadmin

Dear friend,

Last year we renovated the church confessionals. The main goal of the renovation was handicap accessibility. Wider doors were installed that allow for a wheelchair or walker to easily enter. Prior to the renovation, I saw some backlit, stained glass windows at a shrine in Chicago. The beauty of the stained glass without outside light was intriguing. We built the new confessionals with a light hung vertically in the wall. Enough space was left to hang a stained glass image in front of the light.  To the right is a picture of the new window installed last week. The next time you come to confession you will see the window. If you’d like to open a confessional door, please take a look at any time. Most likely the light will not be turned on, so you might not get the full beauty of the window.  Thanks for all the support with this needed renovation to our church. I am hopeful many will continue to find these new confessionals more inviting, accessible and beautiful.

The Gospel this weekend has some interesting words from the Lord.  “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!” Many different images might come to mind when one thinks of fire. At first we might think Jesus is only talking about the warmth or the sometimes beauty of fire; however, Jesus also refers to division. The fire that Christ brings does have a destructive power. The truth of Jesus casts out lies and deception. The truth of Jesus creates division between people. Of course, God is about unity and communion. The division that comes as a result of the Word of Jesus is the personal choice to accept or reject truth. The world of God can bring people together into one Body of Christ or it can illustrate the lies of the world that the Christian must reject. The only healthy division taught by Christ is that division that is necessary for one to separate from evil. It takes time, education, virtue, and forgiveness to realize the best people, relationships and situations for each of us, but it is a process of purification. Fire does in fact purify. The Lord wills that we be purified of evil and on fire with the truth. May our “yes” to Christ continue to guide us to a holier tomorrow.

God bless,

Father David