eNews: February 21, 2019

eNews: February 21, 2019

eNews: February 21, 2019

21 Feb 2019 | Posted by: chadmin

The annual Kelly Needham Memorial Blood Drive is Saturday, February 23 in the parish center banquet room from 8am-12pm. To make an appointment, contact the parish office during regular hours or go to www.redcrossblood.org and type in the sponsor code STPHILS.

Help is needed at the February 23 blood drive. Go to https://www.stphils.com/church/events/kelly-needham-memorial-blood-drive-2/ to sign up. Would love some junior high, high school or college students to help with check in.

Join us for February’s Women’s Night Thursday, February 28 at 7:00pm in the Parish Center. It’s fellowship with B-I-N-G-O!

There’s still time to pay on your ADA pledge. Payments made through February 2019 are counted toward our 2018 goal. Reminder: any shortfall in payments to our pledge is the responsibility of the parish. Right now we are $482 short on payments. Thank you to everyone who has paid off and is making payments on their 2018 pledge. 

St. Philomena Parish offers a Montessori preschool for 3-year-old children, September-May, three days a week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We have a morning program 8:00 –11:00 am or afternoon program 12:00-3:00 pm. For more information or a registration packet, contact Jenny Witt in the parish office at 309-682-8642 or jwitt@stphils.com.

Men’s Club Smoker will be Sunday, March 3 from 12-5pm in the school gym. Men’s Club members are needed to volunteer: https://www.stphils.com/church/events/mens-club-smoker/

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, which is March 6 this year. Mass and distribution of ashes will be at 7am, 8am, 9am (school Mass) and 5:30pm.

Save the date for a pancake and sausage breakfast sponsored by the St. Philomena Cub Scout Pack #18. Join the Scouts on Sun., Mar. 10 from 8am-1pm in the school cafeteria.

Fish Fry Dinners this Lent will be Fridays March 15 & 29.

Come to the Hunger Feast on Thursday, March 28 at 6:00 p.m.! This event is open to people age ten and up, no younger, and will be put on by our very own SPS 7th grade students. Tickets will be on sale in the school office beginning February 25 and will cost $5 a piece; but don’t wait, there are only 125 slots open! All of the ticket money will be donated, in addition to voluntarily donated food. Come to this event and have your eyes opened to the truths behind world poverty.

Biddy Basketball registration is open at www.stphils.com/school/ (click on the icon for Athletics Registration-League Lineup on the bottom half of the page) Open to boys and girls in our parish who are in grades 1-4. Athletics is also accepting team sponsors at $50 per team. Contact Jim Akers, athletics@stphils.com.



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