Pastor’s Weekly Letter: January 13, 2019

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: January 13, 2019

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: January 13, 2019

14 Jan 2019 | Posted by: chadmin

Dear Friends,

This Sunday we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, which concludes the Christmas Season. As we think of the baptism of Jesus, it is an invitation to reflect on our own baptisms and the Divine Person of Jesus Christ. Our need for baptism is not synonymous with the reality that Jesus was baptized. Jesus, as the Son of God, is perfect and without sin. You and I are born with original sin and have a need for a savior. Baptism imparts three things on the Christian soul. Through baptism, we are forgiven of sin, given the gift of the Holy Spirit, and made members of the Body of Christ – the community of the Church. Obviously Jesus doesn’t need forgiveness, He is God, and doesn’t need incorporation into Himself. The fact that Jesus was baptized is an invitation for us to see the importance of baptism for ourselves. I often say that Jesus never asks us to do anything he has not done before us. By His baptism, Jesus makes the waters of baptism holy for us.

The baptism of Jesus marks the beginning of his public ministry. As we read the ministry of Jesus during Ordinary Time in the Church, we reflect on how we can share in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The baptism of Jesus formally reveals Jesus as God’s only Son. Following the baptism, Jesus is driven out into the desert to be tempted. We are called to live in imitation of Jesus through everything we say and do.  This kind of living is cooperation with the life and ministry of Jesus and a fulfillment of our Christian life. As Catholics, we participate through our celebration of the sacraments and living a virtuous life. After baptism, every time we walk into church, we bless ourselves with the Holy Water. This action is a reminder of our baptism and an invitation to live a life worthy of heaven. One of the simple truths of the sacraments is that God knows we need His help daily. As we begin a new year, it is a great opportunity to recommit ourselves to the repeatable sacraments of Eucharist and confession, as they offer us the daily grace needed for a holy life.

We are almost finished with the window replacement project in church. The project was another funded by the Capital Campaign. The non-stained glass windows at the side entrances, sacristy, cry room, and nursery were all replaced. The replacement of these original windows will provide better energy efficiency for the church. I’ve already noticed the temperature is warmer in the sacristy with the heater running less. You may have also noticed that the kneeler pads were removed from the front pews. This was done to help accommodate parishioners with walkers or those who can’t kneel and would like communion brought to them.  I am hopeful this will be a good service for our parishioners.

God bless you,

Father David