Pastor’s Weekly Letter: December 16, 2018

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: December 16, 2018

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: December 16, 2018

14 Dec 2018 | Posted by: chadmin

Dear friends,

This Sunday the Church celebrates Gaudete Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent. “Gaudete,” a Latin word meaning rejoice, is the first word of the Latin entrance antiphon for Sunday’s Mass. “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near.” Philippians 4:4-5. These words of St. Paul exhort us to rejoice invite us also to understand the result of true rejoicing. When the Lord is near, we are called to “have no anxiety at all” that the Lord will guard our “hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” St. Paul goes on to tell us that rejoicing in the Lord will help us know that whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely and gracious will help us prepare for the coming of Christ both this Christmas, and when we meet him face to face. No matter the challenges we face, our God comes to save us. We can all get so bogged down by the daily anxieties of life. It is important to reflect on the blessings of the past and present when we enter the Lord’s presence. Just from the beauty of our existence, we are called to rejoice in the Lord; but, a step further leads us into all the blessings we’ve received. This week’s liturgy opens us up to rejoicing in real gratitude for life, family, forgiveness and the promise of eternal salvation.

As you may have seen listed in the bulletin, we have a parish penance service scheduled for this Wednesday, December 19 at 7pm. We will have several priests from other parishes present to hear confessions and absolve sins. The sacrament of reconciliation is a true gift of grace and healing from God. There is no better gift we can offer ourselves for the coming of Christ at Christmas, than a reconciled relationship with God, family, and neighbor. Especially if you have been away from the sacrament for many years, a Parish Penance Service is a great opportunity for spiritual renewal. The Penance Service is a gift to all because several priests are present, we have the opportunity to pray for each other, and we truly leave church with a forgiven soul. As a priest, I cannot over emphasize the moment of Grace that God offers the soul who comes to confession. Please take advantage of the opportunity of the Penance Service and approach the newborn Son of God at Christmas with a renewed spirit. For those who might need to come during the day, we have additional confession times available (see the next page). Also, please don’t hesitate to call me at the office if you’d like to set an appointment for confession.

Had a great time at the Bears game last weekend. So fun to have good football in Chicago again, it’s been a while! Go Bears!

God bless you,

Fr. David