Book Shelf

Thank you for visiting our book shelf page. Click on a book to see some more titles in that category. The featured titles and more are available for our parishioners to borrow from our St. John Paul II Library in the parish center. Just ask a member of our staff to help you, or speak with Father Luke or Father Daniel if you have a question about a certain topic or book title.


The Bible and Catechisms
Christian Life
Bible Study
Family Life
Suffering and Grief
Church Teachings


The Bible and Catechisms

The Bible and Catechisms

We have Bibles, New Testaments and copies of the Catechism available for you. Just ask!

Christian Life

Christian Life

The Hidden Power of Kindness, Lawrence Lovasik

Peter, Keys to Following Jesus, Dr. Tim Gray

Into His Likeness, Dr. Edward Sri

Who am I to Judge, Dr. Edward Sri

Finding True Happiness, Venerable Fulton J. Sheen

Forming Intentional Disciples, Sherry Weddell

Bible Study

Bible Study

Catholicism, DVD series, Bishop Barren

The Bible Timeline, DVD series, Jeff Cavins

Gospel of Matthew, DVD series, Ascension Press

The Creed, DVD series, Ascension Press

Adventures in Acts, DVD series, Ascension Press

First Corinthians, DVD series, Ascension Press

Psalms, DVD series, Ascension Press

EPCI, Church History, DVD series, Ascension Press

Symbolon, DVD series, Augustine Institute

The New Evangelization, DVD series, Bishop Barren



Time for God, Fr. Jacques Philippe

In the School of the Holy Spirit, Fr. Jacques Philippe

Interior Freedom, Fr. Jacques Philippe

Consoling the Heart of Jesus, Michael Gaitley



Bible Basics for Catholics, Dr. John Bergsma

Jesus of Nazareth, Pope Benedict XVI

A Father Who Keeps His Promises, Dr. Scott Hahn

Joy to the World, Dr. Scott Hahn

Making Sense Out of Scripture, Mark Shea

Verbum Domini, The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church

Family Life

Family Life

Growing Up Social: Raising Relational Kids in a Screen-Driven World, Gary Chapman

The Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World

Men, Women, and the Mystery of Love, Dr. Edward Sri

Building Better Families, Matthew Kelly

Listening to God with Children, Gianna Gobbi

Chiara Corbella Petrillo: A Witness to Joy, Simone Troisi

Humanae Vitae







The World’s First Love, Venerable Fulton J. Sheen 

With his characteristic eloquence and brilliance, Fulton J. Sheen presents a moving portrayal of the Blessed Virgin Mary that combines deep spirituality with history, philosophy and theology. All the major aspects and events of Mary’s life are lovingly portrayed in this word portrait that is a never failing source of information, consolation and inspiration. Sheen also gives profound insights into all the Marian beliefs ranging from the Immaculate Conception to the Assumption to the miracle of Our Lady of Fatima.

While considering the different phases of Mary’s life, Bishop Sheen discusses various problems common to mankind of every age and reveals clearly that every problem can be resolved. He emphasizes the unique dignity, strength and gifts of women and their ability to help heal the world’s problems. Sheen stresses mankind’s need of the Mother of God and her burning love for all her children. The great resurgence of devotion to Mary is God’s way of emphasizing the worth and dignity of every person against the false doctrines that have so confused the modern world. — Ignatius Press

Lives of the Saints, Butler

Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska

The Story of a Soul, St. Therese of Lisieux

The Extraordinary Parents of St. Therese of Lisieux, Helene Mongin

Treasure in Clay, Fulton J. Sheen

Saints of our Times, Jerome Williams

True Reformers, Jerome Williams

Come Be My Light, St. Teresa of Calcutta

Confessions, St. Augustine of Hippo




Reading to our children is so important, especially in their youngest years. This time together assists with brain development, language and, of course, building a loving bond.

For the young child, first allow the child to talk through the pictures they see throughout the book. Then begin the book from the beginning reading it out loud and allow them to point to what they see as they hear the story.

Children learn through imitation. Choose books that highlight christian virtues and use of language that you would want them to imitate.

Suffering and Grief

Suffering and Grief

Arise from Darkness, Fr. Benedict Groeschel

Well-known author, psychologist and priest Fr. Benedict Groeschel draws on his own years of personal experiences in dealing with people’s problems, tragedies and “darkness” as he offers help and guidance for any Christian troubled or burdened by life. If you are struggling with fear, anxiety, grief, loss of loved ones, hurt, anger or anything that makes life difficult or the road through it dark, then this book was written for you. Fr. Benedict offers practical suggestions on how to keep going and even grow with the help of God’s grace, even when this help seems remote.

The Christian response to the problem of evil and suffering began with the cross of Christ. Our answer is inseparable from the cross-from Jesus’ own encounter with evil and his triumph over it. In this light, Fr. Benedict recalls some of our most frequently encountered sorrows and griefs: the failure of friends, financial and personal insecurity, the failure of some in the Church, our own inconsistent behaviors and weaknesses, and the death of loved ones. As we examine these painful experiences, he shows that we can find solutions in the Gospel and in the lives of saints, heroes, and very brave ordinary people. –Ignatius Press 



Church Teachings

Church Teachings

By What Authority, Mark Shea

Hail Holy Queen, Dr. Scott Hahn

Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, Dr. Brant Pitre

After This Life, Fr. Benedict Groeschel



The Lamb’s Supper, Dr. Scott Hahn 

Each time we celebrate the Mass we enter into the heavenly liturgy which is so powerfully and beautifully described in the Book of Revelation. The Lamb’s Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth, will help you understand the Book of Revelation in light of the Mass. – 


A Biblical Walk Through the Mass, Dr . Edward Sri

Sacraments in Scripture, Tim Gray

Lord, Have Mercy, Dr. Scott Hahn

The Return of the Prodigal Son, Henry Nouwan